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Being in the present, learning from the past, prepares for the NEXT SHOT®.™


Golf - complex, frustrating, challenging, rewarding.  

Learning - many books, tutorials, classes, coaches, tools, experts.

Coaching - by professional golfers, psychologists, mystics and more.

Tools - club, balls and clothing design and construction; training and playing aids, 


So, what is special about Next Shot® golf coachingballs, games and related products?

Our golf services and products are developed, manufactured and delivered using Next Shot® philosophy and principles

Our purpose and goal is to facilitate individuals to achieve continued best experiences irrespective of relative scoring.  

Our primary Next Shot® golf service is coaching delivered through: on-line materials; on-line video coaching; in person coaching; and, interaction through games and group events.


It should be clear to the user of our Next Shot® golf coaching service that we do not teach physical skills (e.g. how to improve your swing plane) or assist in getting the perfect set of golf clubs or balls for an individual.  We can and do reference individuals to many experts and their materials for self directed learning, in person or on line coaching.  For example, guiding individuals to learn from Ben Hogan's classic books, or George Knudson's book on the natural golf swing.   Using AI any individual can find any number of sources, guides, techniques and critiques on golf skills.


 Next Shot® Golf Services:



Consulting Services

Coaching Services

Next Shot® Golf

Games and Learning Tools

Golf Balls, Games and Products