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Integrated Thinking® and Next Shot® Services

 Integrating technical, legal and management knowledge and experience.™


 Advisory: Strategy and Planning

  •  Advise President & CEO of a major oil and gas company on growth strategy.
  • Evaluate competitors within the upstream/downstream of the chemical, mineral and coal industries on behalf of a   multi?national fully integrated oil company.
  • Examine benefits and risks of a business unit approach for this major petroleum corporation.
  • Provide counsel on approaches to integrating two major petroleum products companies.
  • Lead a Task Force review of the operations of a major chemical production facility for productivity improvement   opportunities.
  • Review regulations for a provincial Environmental Appeal Board. Compare operation, administration, legislation and   organization to similar tribunals. Develop implementation plan.
  • Advise internal task force on design and implementation of Appeal Committee to hear 10,000 appeals per year in income and social program areas. Advise on legislation and regulation changes, structural considerations, staffing and   work process changes, policy development, and development of effective communication plans to all stakeholders, internal and external.
  • Consider new legislation governing the governance, operation and administration of pension boards within the public service.
  • Facilitate development of Mission, Key Result Areas, Operating Philosophy and Organization for a new Research and  Development organization.