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Integrated Thinking® and Next Shot® Services

 Integrating technical, legal and management knowledge and experience.™



Evaluation: Policy,  Program and Organization

  • Prepare a Contract Management Manual to aid in the process of administering $100 million of contracted services per year.  Develop and deliver in house training programs.
  • Review of the delivery and pricing arrangements for selected health care products to a government program were undertaken. Suppliers and government officials worked co-operatively as a Project Team to develop a generic model and new practices.
  • Review evaluations of Extended practicum (practice teaching) program in Alberta.
  • Examine the legislative, policy and organizational (administrative) framework of the Office of the Public Guardian.  Examine societal demands and trends in other jurisdictions. Prepare recommendations for future options.
  • Assist Human Resources in an integrated oil and gas company to review the programs involved in delivering medical services, including safety.