Management Counsel Newsletter: Issue 3
Intellectual Property at Risk
Reports indicate an increase in the theft of intellectual property: illegal copying of software; theft of data files or trade secrets; corporate espionage.
Do organizations have meaningful strategies and processes to minimize the risk? How many organizations appreciate the value of the intellectual property or perhaps, what is their intellectual property?
A study by the American Society for Industrial Security indicated that corporate strategic plans have displaced customer lists as the most sought-after items -- and that these are often taken by employees and other associates.
CSIS, the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service, is warning businesses of foreign spies who now use sophisticated techniques to gain industry data and secrets.
What can and should be done about this alarming trend?
Providing written instructions to employees, having physical control of access, marking and classifying sensitive materials, and random audits and searches are some techniques that organizations should employ.
But, perhaps all of this will never affect your organization. Perhaps you are too small. Perhaps no one really wants your corporate plan, your technical software, your client files, or the procedures you use... but should you take that risk? Or, should you take some reasonable, preventive steps?